Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Come for Dinner!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. We've been pretty busy here at Peppered Paper, but, not too busy to enjoy a good meal or two. Traveling and hosting and birthday partying with friends and family...

Catch of the day served with a side of sweet potato fries, sauteed zucchini, and Fanta!

Birthday cake # 1- My favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream pie, with a little topping of whipped cream

Lots of fried green tomatoes from Kimberly's garden... we picked more today! What else can you do with green tomatoes?

Birthday dinner prepared by my sister: Greek kabobs and rice, complimented with the fried green tomatoes and pineapple upside-down cake, a Southern-Greek fusion meal!

One of my mom's staple B-day cake recipes. Kimberly being nostalgic:)

Ah, dreaming I live in France today.

Pumpkin cake batter!

Letting my pumpkin cake cool next to some gingered apples served with pork tenderloin... forgot to take final photos before enjoying the feast.

I love cooking, everything about it. And, I love eating, slowly. My friends always used to make fun of my slow eating, but really, I'll defend myself again today. It's one of the few activities that engages all of the senses, which for me starts in the kitchen. Thus my love of cooking begins...

Step 1: Left brain off, Right brain on
Step 2: Scatter fresh produce, cookbooks, ingredients, spices, bowls, and utensils across the kitchen counters- with lots of hand towels interspersed
Step 3: Mix, splatter, whip, sizzle...
Step 4: Inhale, lick, taste...
Step 5: Smile and sigh, well, at least that's what I'm doing now thinking about cooking
Step 6: Voila! Sit with friends and family and wine to break bread together. Sit and enjoy for hours, time isn't part of right-brain activity, right?
Step 7: Sit some more and sigh contentedly

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