Friday, November 18, 2011

Nursery Renovations: Part 1

Left corner of nursery

before we moved in:

the house was duplexed in the 70's, we converted it back to a single family dwelling, this was the 2nd kitchen, which we ripped out before moving in

refinishing floors in 2008:

fyi - tiniest closet ever for a bedroom

 oh, we're having a baby?! getting to work (2011):


we used the space from the tiny closet for this nice built-in, Laurence thinks it will make a great changing table- clearly never changed a baby's diaper:)

Chair corner:

before we moved in:

replacing old plumbing:

getting to work:


Facing crib wall:

getting to work:

we decided to close off the door to the back bedroom because it was awkward, and we needed to make room for the closet we added 


From hallway:

Right corner of nursery:

getting to work:

 closed off door, while renovating we found some old hotrods under the baseboard that must have been stowed away through the hole in the wall:)


Facing window:

before we moved in:

we had to remove those horrible radiators from throughout the entire house 


Wow! That's a lot of work we've done! I know, I've said it before, we're crazy. I can't believe some of these photos from back when we moved in here. What were we thinking!!?? I can say we've learned a ton, most importantly- DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! This is the first room I think we've done right the first time around, making sure we knew exactly what we wanted and finishing every single last detail while still working in the room. My trick rule to make sure this happened was that we weren't allowed to paint the walls until everything else was finished. It would be our reward, our oh-so-satisfying reward. So many people offered to help paint. Didn't they understand how much I was looking forward to the easiest part of the whole project- rolling beautiful bright yellow paint onto our now smooth, clean walls! Well, I'm getting a little bit carried away, but my rule proved to be very helpful in getting all of those tedious details finished. Having a "due date" helped too:)

That's all for now. I'll post more soon about some of the details of our baby's nursery! We did seriously consider making this our bedroom, just for the nice closet. And yes, it's still crazy to walk by there and see a crib out of the corner of my eye. 

1 comment:

jnny said...

oh my goodness! props to yall! that is an amazing transformation! :) looks beautiful! congrats on baby :)

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