Thursday, August 4, 2011

summer o' chalk

The chalkboards I've been working on this summer are finished and hanging at the Aubrey's in Cleveland, TN! The represented food vendors each sponsored a board, but other than including their name I pretty much had complete creative freedom.

Here's a photo a friend took of the boards hanging in the restaurant:

This was such a fun project for me to take on this summer. It's certainly different than my work with cut paper, which seems tiny compared to these. There was some getting use to using the chalk pastels on the boards, as well as some experimenting with a varnish I wish had never happened, but overall I greatly enjoyed this project.

Because of the size of these boards I also had to get used to working in a public space, and let me tell you there is no shortage of entertaining characters working in and doing business with the hardwood company in East, TN whose salesroom I set up in. I had several people inquire about commissioning some art- one wants a huge mural of Neyland Stadium above his mantel, and another has an old milk crate he'd like a farm scene painted on. I had someone try to sell me life insurance, one instance of vandalism, a few sales lunches I was forced to participate in, and an email with photos of me working taken by someone I didn't even realize was there.

The best however was getting to see so many varied responses to my work. Everyone had a different "favorite" and I was always surprise by who liked what. I guess there's even more variety in the tastes of the Aubrey's diners who will be viewing these boards. I'd love to be able to poll all the people that enter the restaurant, but my next best option is to ask your opinion. There are eight total, the four posted above, and the first four from a previous post. Which one is your favorite???


Caryn said...

These look great Lesley! I'm torn between the Heinz 57 one and the Hellmann's one. They all look lovely though. Great job!

Lauren said...

LOVE these! My fave is the Hellman's, I think.

DL said...

I love these! I always love looking at Aubrey's chalkboard drawings and it's so fun that you got to do some of them! I like the Hellmann's with the blue bird. So pretty. Great job, Lesley!

Lesley said...

Thanks guys!!! I like the Hellmann's too, even though mayo doesn't necessarily bring pretty images to mind:)

Lo said...

I'm partial to the u.s. food service one since i like maps. i like how you included a legend with it. i wonder who suggested you do that?

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