Monday, June 6, 2011

The Monthly Bloom Part II: Flower Arranging

A few weeks ago a friend asked if I could provide some flowers to help liven up an engagement party, "you know, just something from your yard." Hmm, what on earth could I bring!!? No more dogwood blooms, quince, or forsythia... my knock out roses aren't producing their next flowers yet, and no pretty summer annuals to be seen either. I was lamenting my lack of beautiful hydrangeas or magnolia trees and thinking this monthly bloom was getting me into trouble, but I grabbed some pruning shears and my flower collecting basket to see if I could come up with something. Beautiful! If I say so myself. Again, our yard surprises me: 

Isn't this the loveliest flower collecting basket! It's a favorite wedding present from kathryn. I don't think she really knew what it was when she gave it to us, but how perfect is it!? If only it got more use. Don't you love the scenes in Jane Austin movies when the girls are out with their baskets collecting wild flowers or herbs or something. Such an idyllic life, sigh.   

Some wild, yet dainty, sweet pea with the first blooms from our butterfly bush, which smell great too:

Some dried lenten roses on their last leg, with a not yet blooming sedum flower head, a few clusters of my new yarrow, and lots of aromatic lavender as filler. Again, not fully blooming in purple yet, but it does the job:

Now I'm inspired to plant my bed of cut flowers. I should be bringing lots more of our yard inside when I can. Hopefully I can get some seeds in the ground soon. And, we finally bought some hydrangeas last weekend! Now on to find a place for a nice big magnolia tree:)

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