As promised, lots more
before and after posts from our house are on their way. Here's one that's kept me smiling for two weeks now... a linen closet, finally!
(above) One of the first major demo projects we undertook- knocking out a wall through a closet into the dinning room. Lots of reasons for this: eliminating an extra door in the front bedroom, making some space in the living room, and creating a centralized "alcove" to the bathroom and bedrooms. We weren't exactly sure the best way to saw through paster and lathe at the time, such novices back then, but we love the results of moving that doorway! And yes, the walls are filled with black soot from the 500 lb. cast iron coal burning furnace that was in our basement when we moved in. We are crazy to undertake this mess, but I don't think we had moved in yet at this point:)
(above) The cardboard box I've been storing extra towels and sheets in for 2.5 years- now collapsed and recycled!

Ta-da! I occasionally stop and open it every now and then just to look. Is it wrong to find so much joy in a linen closet? I love old homes and hope to always live in one, and I'm willing to make sacrifices like having very few and/or extremely small closets- I'll just appreciate the useful nooks and beautiful shelving, compliments of Laurence, all the more:)
Hooray! That looks lovely! Can't wait to see it in person.
I know! Lot's of progress you all can appreciate because you all saw the crazy mess at the beginning:)
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