The Studio

The Basement Stairway
Perennial Garden
Just one of many perennial gardens, with more to come! We added the fence after we adopted Lulu. It completely changed how the house looks from the street and opened up the side yard. And, provided this little corner for some planting. We've dug up hundreds of iris and day lily bulbs from the back yard, along with lots of old stone, which we used for the walkway and border here. We even dug up a sink- see below. We still haven't made the caps for the fence post, or fixed up much of the exterior, but we're counting down the days now till the painters come to visit! So, certainly not a finished "after" photo, but I thought it would be nice to include one of the exterior.
Of note- the enormous camilla trees on the side of the house that bloom in March, the wild nandina we can't control, and some rosemary I planted from one of the arrangements at our wedding!
I love black eyed susans and cone flowers!
some type of phlox we got at Ijams Nature center-
it's tripled in size since we planted it in the fall
Lulu practicing how to use the gate instead of jump the fence
what else could be under there?
literally hundreds of surprise lilies, and this doesn't even include all the irises and day lilies!
Again, so much more to come! We've done so much in these two and half years, but still have four rooms to go, plus more on the exterior, in the yard, and in the details. I'll keep you posted.
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